RiDRU is an interuniversity research group established in December 2022 that brings together scholars working in the scientific disciplinary field L-LIN/21 (Slavistics) who have a strong interest in the scientific investigation of issues related to the teaching of Russian language and culture in the Italian university context.

From an interdisciplinary and transversal perspective, the group combines different approaches and orientations to the object of study (e.g., Russian as a foreign language, or RKI, glottodidactics, linguistics, disciplinary didactics), investigating the following themes in particular:

The group’s activities consist of conducting research and studies, developing new textbooks and teaching materials, and organizing study days and conferences. In concert with its scientific commitments, the group serves as a point of reference for all university teachers of Russian active in the Italian context and will offer insights and ideas for daily teaching practice and opportunities for reflection and sharing.

The creation of the site was funded by the MSCA Seal of Excellence @UNIPD RETEACH (2021-2024; https://reteach.disll.unipd.it).

Who We Are

Linda Torresin (University of Padua)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, MSCA-Seal of Excellence Fellow
Founding Members
Ilaria Aletto (Roma Tre University)
Junior Temporary Assistant Professor
Daniele Artoni (University of Verona)
Senior Temporary Assistant Professor
Oxana Bejenari (University of Milan)
Adjunct Professor
Valentina Benigni (Roma Tre University)
Associate Professor
Simona Berardi (University of Bologna)
Adjunct Professor
Daniela Bonciani (University of Siena)
Adjunct Professor
Anna Paola Bonola (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart)
Full Professor
Ljudmila Buglakova (University of Bologna)
Adjunct Professor
Alessandro Cifariello (University of Tuscia)
Associate Professor
Maria Chiara Ferro (“Gabriele d’Annunzio” University)
Associate Professor
Polina Guelfreikh (University of Parma)
Natalia Guseva (“Gabriele d’Annunzio” University)
Adjunct Professor
Diana Lyadskaya (University of Trento)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Claudio Gabriele Macagno (University of Milan)
Junior Temporary Assistant Professor
Marco Magnani (University of Trento)
Junior Temporary Assistant Professor
Giovanna Moracci (“Gabriele d’Annunzio” University)
Associate Professor
Julija Nikolaeva (Sapienza University of Rome)
Senior Assistant Professor
Svetlana Nistratova (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
Senior Assistant Professor
Valentina Noseda (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Laila Paracchini (University of Milan)
Associate Professor
Monica Perotto (University of Bologna)
Associate Professor
Maria Chiara Pesenti (University of Bergamo)
Full Professor
Giorgia Pomarolli (University of Verona)
Senior Temporary Assistant Professor
Giorgia Rimondi (University for Foreigners of Siena)
Junior Temporary Assistant Professor
Raffaella Romagnoli (University of Bologna)
Adjunct Professor
Luisa Ruvoletto (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
Associate Professor
Elena Treu (University of Bergamo)
Adjunct Professor


The group’s activities consist of conducting research and studies, developing new textbooks and teaching materials, and organizing study days and conferences. In concert with its scientific commitments, the group serves as a point of reference for all university teachers of Russian active in the Italian context and will offer insights and ideas for daily teaching practice and opportunities for reflection and sharing.



News #4

Conference “Teaching Russian language and culture today” (Padua, 13.12-14.12.2024). https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iks32h9Ee-pMM469JLwmdgwtL8rMUTj5?usp=drive_link

News #3

Conference “Teaching Russian as a FL in the multilingual classroom” (Venice, 17.09.2024). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mlRBCPhM1pLe-Vl6I6ee1Cf4aKAio38I/view?usp=sharing

News #2

We are online! https://ridru.it/

News #1

Establishment of the research group RiDRU.

Russian at University

Teaching Experiences: Proposals

Dear colleague(s) teaching at Italian universities,

Would you like to share a teaching proposal related to Russian language and culture with us? This can be a proposal that has proved particularly effective or, on the contrary, has not succeeded but has made you reflect on your way of teaching and enriched you as a teacher.

Contact us and we will include it on our website.

Thank you for your cooperation!


Dr. Linda Torresin (University of Padua)
